The way to achieve an attractive and elegant face shape is through innovative technology…

Almost all people have the same question!

Which Non-Surgical Method Can Make My Cheeks Smaller?

Our face is actually the first area that reflects our inner self. We make the first interaction with the other person with our face.Unfortunately, our region that expresses all our emotions most clearly is our region that receives the earliest signs of aging.

Our face shape is determined by bones, muscles and adipose tissue. Think about how chubby babies’ cheeks are; This fat mass that gives fullness to the cheeks actually facilitates the act of sucking milk in babies. Chubby cheeks, which have a function as a baby, turn into an aesthetic problem in later ages.

The V shape that gives the face an attractive appearance, that is, the upper sides are wide, the lines that get thinner as you go down are sometimes not written in your genetic destiny, and sometimes it may not be possible due to excess weight. It is a fact that this face shape gives women a more feminine appearance and men a more masculine appearance.

An Elegant Face

Elegant facial features, which have also been preferred by television stars in recent years, are only possible with thinner, more sunken cheeks. If you wish, let’s first take a closer look at the obstacle standing between you and this desired face form, namely the fatty tissue on the cheeks.

The fat mass on the cheeks does not differ between men and women and is located symmetrically on both sides of the face. Do not look at the fact that the fat mass in question is about 8 grams, even this can be enough to give the face a plump appearance. The frustrating thing is that the fat tissue on the cheeks does not always show parallelism with the fat ratio in the body. In other words, thin people may have rounded facial features, a chubby face, or your face may not get thinner no matter how much weight you lose. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, full cheeks can give babies or little girls a cute look, but they turn into an attractive shade on a young girl or adult woman.

After a certain age, the thin and elegant cheek area creates a much more pleasant effect. Of course, the line descending from the cheeks to the chin is also important. The jawline line, that is, the jawbone line being clear and distinct, makes both men and women look more attractive. Even if other parts of the face meet the attractiveness criteria, if the jawline is not clear, your appearance will still be disrupted.


Non-Surgical Technologies

Defined cheekbones and slightly inward cheeks, combined with a clear jawline, give the face that attractive V shape. So, is it necessary to go under the knife for all these changes? Fortunately, no! Thanks to innovative technologies, it is possible to reshape the face.

A technology that has just joined the world of anti-aging, both reduces the fat tissue on the cheeks and tightens the cheek tissue. Thus, it is possible to achieve much thinner and more attractive facial features without surgery! This high-frequency radio frequency technology is also effective in thinning the jaw line, removing excess fat and tightening the jaw area.

With the monopolar radiofrequency energy applied through the mouth, the excess fat mass on both the cheek and jaw line is broken down. The broken down fat cells are removed from the body with the lymph system after a while. The process, which also provides tightening in the tissues by triggering the production of collagen, takes only 20-25 minutes. Even after the treatment, the cheek area and jawline become prominent, but 4-6 sessions are needed for optimum effect.


Agassi is the most popular non-invasive technology!


Agassi is the most innovative and popular technology used to apply monopolar radiofrequency energy in a controlled manner through a head specially designed for the cheek.

You can even have a result like a bichectomy by using agassi! Agassi, which can be done in four seasons, is applied painlessly with the probe of the device inserted through the mouth.


The head, which touches the inner cheek mucosa, heats the inner cheek using radiofrequency energy. By controlling thermal energy and radiofrequency energy, the aim is to melt the adipose tissue and tighten the skin. Another advantage of this method over bichectomy is the chance to focus on the most problematic area. Heat melts adipose tissue while stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin.

According to the cheek fat density of the patient, an application is made for 20-25 minutes.

And changes on the person, after 1-3 sessions, cheek fat melts, collagen production increases and the skin tightens.


Are There Any Side Effects?

The cheek thinning process does not cause any deformation on the skin and does not have any negative side effects. The technology, which reduces the fat tissue in this area with the energy transmitted into the mouth and increases the collagen production, is also effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Other benefits of the procedure

  • It creates a reduction in wrinkles and tightening of the skin.
  • By triggering collagen production in the deep layers of the dermis, it gives the skin a much fresher and healthier appearance.
  • By increasing blood circulation, it protects the youth of the skin by stimulating the building blocks of the skin – fibroblasts, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.