If you experience regional fat, tightness and cellulite problems, you can get effective results with proven systems. Medical Aesthetic Physician Buket Yıldırım says that it is possible to get rid of regional excess and get a tighter body with the help of new generation technologies.
FDA-approved Zeltiq CoolSculpting frees up the fat cells by freezing regional fat without any surgery. Dr. R. Rox Anderson and Dr. Dieter Manstein observed that children between three and five years of age eat lots of ice-cream so that their cheecks collapse. Based on this, they began to work on whether or not to obtain regional thinning by subjecting the fat cells to controlled low-temperature heat. The Zeltiq CoolSculpting technology, which was developed as a result of these studies, became the first system to work with the cold forming system for regional fats.
In the area where the system is applied, the temperature of the fat cells is reduced to zero degrees and the fat cells that are crystallized are broken because they cannot live at low temperatures and after a while they are expelled from the body with the help of the liver. CoolSculpting treatment, which does not require any preparation prior to administration, can be applied to any area with excess fat. Dr. Buket Yıldırım says “ It can be affective on love handles, double chin, arms, upper and lower abdomen, legs, belly, back etc.” She adds “One session is sufficient for each area. A protective gel pad is placed onto the skin of the applied area. The area of excess fat is withdrawn in a capsule and vacuumed for one hour. The device freezes the area where fat cells are located in a controlled manner between four degrees and minus four degrees. Thus, the programmed death process starts in fat cells.”
In the first three to four minutes of the procedure, the patient may feel a pain due to vacuuming. There is no pain after the treatment. A few days of sensitivity in the region, redness and a slight light can be seen which is normal. The change begins in three weeks. Result becomes more visible in the second and third months, 20-40 percent of the fat cells lost till the second month since they are freezing and dying by the lymphatic system.